
Cariitti mukana Kotoisan uudella kaudella

Cariitti mukana Kotoisan uudella kaudella

Tapanin ja Anssin kodin kellarikerros koki upean muodonmuutoksen Kotoisan kuudennen kauden kolmannessa jaksossa. Jakso koki päivänvalon maanantaina 15.3. MTV3:sella ja olemme ylpeitä kertoessamme, että saimme olla mukana toteuttamassa tätä arjen...
June 09, 2024
Riikan ja Timon kodin sydän: Harmoniset sauna- ja kylpytilat

Riikka and Timo’s Sauna and Bathroom Sanctuary

The sauna and bathroom facilities in the idyllic urban home of professional volleyball and beach volleyball player Riikka Lehtonen and her husband Timo Partanen were completed in 2020. The couple...
April 21, 2024
TAIVE-saunakabiinimalliston uutuus: TAIVE Single Cabin

The new member of TAIVE Sauna Cabin Family: TAIVE Single Cabin

Single Cabin was added to our TAIVE sauna cabin range at the end of 2023. In this blog post, we take a deeper look at the features and uses of...
April 21, 2024
Saunan siivous: Vinkit tunnelmalliseen joulusaunaan

Sauna cleaning: Tips for atmospheric Christmas sauna

Christmas is approaching and for us Finns the Christmas sauna is a very important tradition. We usually enjoy either a morning sauna or a late evening sauna on Christmas Eve....
April 21, 2024
TAIVE-saunakabiini: Kun suomalainen perinne ja kansainvälinen ylellisyys yhdistyy

TAIVE Sauna Cabin: When Finnish tradition and international luxury unites

Cariitti’s TAIVE Sauna Cabin was launched about a year ago, in autumn 2022, at the international Interbad trade fair in Stuttgart, Germany.  The cabin meets the need of the international...
April 21, 2024
Uutuustuotteen Sauna Ultra Ambientin avulla toteutat nyt valaistuksen myös kaikista vaativimpiin kohteisiin

The new product Sauna Ultra Ambient now enables you to provide lighting for the most demanding locations and extreme conditions Cariitti’s new product Sauna Ultra Ambient is the result of a long product development process. The product has been designed with the stresses and challenges of high temperature fluctuations...
July 14, 2023
Saunan tunnelma syntyy lauteiden, paneelien ja valaistuksen harmoniasta

The atmosphere of the sauna is created by the harmony of benches, panels and lighting

A unique sauna is made of Finnish quality. In the design of Cariitti, benches and wall panels are combined into the perfect pair and crowned with high-quality, beautiful lighting. The...
July 14, 2023
HIFK ❤ Cariitti

HIFK ❤ Cariitti

The ice hockey team HIFK chooses their partners based on the same values: That is why Cariitti’s logo decorates the ice and penalty box of Helsinki hockey stadium. Read below...
July 14, 2023
Lapland Hotels Bulevardi ❤ Cariitti

Lapland Hotels Bulevardi ❤ Cariitti

The authentic Lapland Hotels Bulevardi, which exudes the mystique of Lapland in the centre of Helsinki, relied on Cariitti for its lighting choices for the sauna and spa facilities. The...
July 14, 2023
Näin teet saunakokemuksestasi omanlaisen: Lue Cariitin vinkit saunaelämyksiin, jotka jättävät muistoja

How to make your sauna experience unique – see Cariitti’s tips for sauna experiences that leave good memories

Peaceful atmosphere and cleanliness, or preferably diamonds and luxury – all this can be built into the sauna. With Cariitti, every sauna can be memorable. When is it time to...
July 14, 2023
Saunassa lepää niin keho kuin mieli

Both the body and the mind rest in the sauna

Our body rests on Cariitti’s softly and elegantly shaped TAIVE sauna benches. This is a place where we can return again and again, with the rest of the world and everyday rushes...
July 14, 2023
Toteuta haluamasi valaistus

Implement the lighting you want

We often set too few requirements for lighting, although the atmosphere and comfort of the space can be influenced very inventively by light. Each of us has our own needs...
July 14, 2023

Kape ja Cariitti